Monday, November 2, 2015

The Odds of Winning

Odds of winning the lottery with one ticket are 1 in 175 million.  Odds of becoming a lightening victim in the United States in one year is 1 in 700,000.  Odds of becoming a professional athlete is 1 in 22,000.  Odds of being born with 11 fingers or toes is 1 in 500.  Odds of winning the #100daysSLCC grand prize of a tuition waiver or $300 SLCC Bookstore gift card?  1 in 5.  Yes, you read that correctly.  So to those 3 people who have submitted their benchmark applications and had their names entered into the grand prize drawing, you are facing amazing odds!

Wait!  What?  You haven't been following the activities for the benchmarks?  You are just finding out about this crazy campaign NOW?  No problem!  There's still time!  (Just like there's still time to explore a major and career.  Do you like how I dropped that right in there?  Just like dropping the mic!  Boom!)

The 75 Day Benchmark is sneaking up on us (November 16th to be exact) and there are plenty of benchmark activities coming up.  In fact, this Thursday, November 5th, we have a flash event where you can attend the Boosters workshop on Staying Motivated and win great prizes.  AND you can count that as a benchmark activity and fill out the 75 Day Benchmark application AND submit your name for the grand prize.  Where do you find this wonderful information?  Look up.  Do you see the tabs on this blog?  Everything is there from benchmark activities to the application to upcoming events.  Don't worry.  I've got you covered.

Katniss Everdeen knew the odds were against her in the Hunger Games but she fought on anyway. May the odds be ever in your favor as you follow the benchmarks for #100daysSLCC and find a major and career.

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