Monday, April 4, 2016

Business is Business. Or is it?

In this final month of our first year of 100 Days of Career Exploration, we decided to switch things up.  Just slightly...  We decided to highlight a certain area of study for the entire month and help you understand your options within that particular area.  This month we're focusing on the School of Business.  These are some of our most popular programs at the college.  PLUS, they have their JAM Session on Reading Day (April 29th) from 6pm-Midnight in the Business Building where faculty stay late helping with test reviews and tutoring for students who would like a little extra help preparing for finals.  And guess what?  There's FREE FOOD!  Food, studying, help from the experts, what more could you ask for?  Also, check out the happenings around the School of Business in their monthly newsletter:

What's the first thing that comes to mind when someone says Business?  Is it a CPA preparing taxes or helping with financial planning?  Is it a business owner with a local Mom & Pop store?  Is it the sales person calling you about a new deal in town?  Is it the forensic accountant looking through the company's books?  The great thing about business is the versatility and the options.  The shorter certificate or AAS programs for those who need to get out into the workforce versus the transfer degree for students who want to go on to the Bachelors or beyond level, those are the choices within the School of Business.  Oftentimes we'll have students meeting with advisors and saying they want to go into Accounting but the real question would be, "Do you want to go into a two-year to the workforce program that provides entry to mid-level careers?  Are you trying to assist your spouse in the family business?  Or are you trying to move further in the Accounting world?"  Those are important questions as options within the School of Business offer the best of many worlds.  In order to understand your pathway to meet your end goal within the business world, meet with one of our business advisors today to discuss opportunities.  If business is your fall back area and you're truly unsure about a major?  Take a career assessment today!  Find out if your personality fits the business areas, or not:  Take a look at the programs we offer through the School of Business and start researching the areas that look interesting to you!




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