Monday, September 19, 2016

How many hours do you spend looking at social media?

As I updated the "Weekly Activities" and "Did You Know" tabs on Friday afternoon, I realized there were so many things happening at our college in the same week.  And then I thought about the student perspective.  With classes, homework, work, family life, and extracurricular activities, where do students fit in time for more things?  And how does this affect the time taken for major and career exploration? 

We answer this very important question with a simple answer:  100 Days of Career Exploration.  We understand that you have so many things on your plate but need to choose a major as early as possible in your college career.  Changes in math pathways and limitations on financial aid funding are key motivators for students to choose a major early but where do you fit that discovery process in the middle of your very busy schedule?  Would you be able to commit to 10 minutes a day for 100 days?  Smaller chunks of information but all heading towards to the ultimate goal of choose a major and career path?  WHAT?!  That's possible?  Why yes, yes it is.

Many of the activities recommended during the 100 Days of Career Exploration Campaign take 10 minutes or less to complete each day.  And we give you the weekend off although we highly encourage you continue exploration whenever you have a chance.  But 10 minutes a day?  The U.S. consumer averages 4.7 hours per day on their phones which include browsing through social media sites (  That's about one third of our day spent looking on our phones.  So how about trading some of those hours and substituting it with major and career exploration activities like researching careers through Career Coach (, or interviewing someone in a job field you are interested in, or job shadowing/volunteering?  I find myself becoming lost in social media as I scroll through stories and look at pictures.  I find myself amazed at how much time passes.  And then I think about what I COULD HAVE done with that time.  I encourage you to shave down some of the social media time (unless you're browsing through our #100daysSLCC sites) and take some time to explore majors and careers.  Once you've successfully completed your educational pathway and are working in a fulfilling career, you could have time for social media.  Or hiking.  Or enjoying some family time.  Whatever you choose, start now with major and career exploration!

How do you get involved on campus?  Ask these ladies in Student Life and Leadership who are student leaders and making moves to make our college fun, accessible, and open to all!

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